aira system launch MVP

The Minimum Viable Product of aira system is already a reality. After weeks of development, closing of new investments and a lot of work, the aira MVP has already been launched and tested by some of our clients. The first real tests with clients (both final insureds and brokers and insurance brokers) have been all […]
Insurtech: the most successful new business model of 2022

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and all those companies that do not advance with it will gradually be left behind. The insurance sector must anticipate this event and start betting on tools and processes that bring it closer to the current world immersed in technology and this is where the role of […]
The innovative blockchain technology

At aira system we work with blockchain technology, this was born in 1991 with the aim of reliably registering multimedia files on the internet. Over the years it has been advanced and has been given a wider application. Next, we explain its operation and the elements that intervene in it. What […]
What is aira system and how does it come about?

aira system is a digital 100% solution to collect customer risk data without leaving the office. Through a process of no more than 5 minutes, the insured himself will be the one to provide the necessary data for the creation of his tailored policy. This is the only solution that manages […]